Project White Paper

WildCrash Overview

WildCrash is a mix of  car racing and car combat videogame, in which players compete in races and tournaments of different kinds, for example the ‘Arena Bumper Cars’, using their own racing team. Players can build their unique racing team, usually composed by the cars and the drivers. The player’s goal is to win the competitions, in order to have fun and to get rewards.
One of the goal of this project is to let the players to be truly the owner of the in-game resources the players own. They can earn resources playing or participating in in-game activities. This happens thank to the blockchain technology, which gives players true digital ownership.
Different game modes allow players to reach several goals and preferences. Players can compoete in tournaments, get new assets, compete in  single mode, win unique car pieces,  drivers and upgrades, and participate in seasonal tournaments.
The main currency of the game is the $CRASH token, which is the main component of the game’s economy. 

An additional way of interacting with the game is to use the NFTs market, where players and users can buy and sell their resources increasing their chance to win within the game. The market opens additional opportunities on third-party NFT platforms, such as OpenSea, Rarible, etc. 

The Game

WildCrash project born mixing our passion and the love for videogames, and our enthusiasm for the cryptocurrencies technology.

PLOT: Long time ago, in a far far away planet called P.E.T.-0, the Pet-0s, people of the planet play the famous WildCrash tournament, the most amazing bumper cars ever. The winner will get eternal glory, become rich, and will be honred amongthe best driver ever! 

As the plot above is telling, WildCrash is a mix of classic racing cars games and cars combat games. The cars we designed for the game are custom Dune Buggys. While the drivers are the Pet-0s, pets-like creatures. After the registration the player receives a base car to customize and the first base driver. Using the game’s NFTs-market, the player can buy and sell car pieces and drivers, and customize the racing team owned. Also, the game offers the option to design and share, with the community, custom circuits and arenas inside the lands available for the players and users. The game offers different play modes. The main tournaments as races and battles in arena, where the scope is to survive in a giant bumper cars. Player can also plays single mode game, linear story, or create challenge with friends and other players. The final goal of this project is to create a strong community, where people can get some moment of fun with friends, make new friends, and, why not, gain something from the time spent palying.

Deep into Game

As explained above, WildCrash is a big challenge between car teams. Each team is composed by a minimum of a car and a driver, but players are able to own and use more cars and drivers, and to use them at convenience. 

Tournaments can be: 

Race: the race is a classic car race where the faster the better, But in WildCrash everything is allow: this means cars have to survive during the race……before to see the finish line!

Battle Arena: the cars have to fight into a big arena. Well, rules are simple, the lasts alive into the arena are the winners!

Custom challenges: users are able to setup race or battle arena inviting friends or other users from the community and to decide the prizes!


The cars of the game are based on Dune Buggy design! What?! They are the most cool cars ever. The players can own one or more cars. Each car can be customized with the components available from the market, or exchange them with the onew owned by players. Components can increase some ability of  the car, as resistence, strength, speed, etc. But the most fun part is to customize the cars to give them a cool appearance|


Drivers of the cars are the pet-0s, the inhabitants of the planet P.E.T.-0 where the WildCrash is hosted. They appear like pet creatures, tiny, cute, but also bad and ugly, it depends by the case. However all of them are crazy people: they only want to join the WildCrash and became the champion! The player can own one or more pet-0s, and use them at conevnience. Pet-0s can be purchased on the in game market or exchanged with assets owned by other players.


There are also lands in WildCrash, but the idea behind our lands is to give the users a space where to design custom circuits and arenas, and share those with the community, and of course use them for real tournaments in game. Design circuits and arenas is another way to earn tokens and prizes.

Play-to-Earn & Free-to -Play

WildCrash isn’t built with the philosophy of Pay-to-Win: it is a Play-to-Earn game. The mechanic behind the game is designed to take in consideration  the strenght of each player. To keep the right balance between players’ strenght is important to avoid disproportions. For this reason there are different levels of tournaments and game’s modes. In this way there is always a chance to win a battle.

While most of the features (and to earn) are coming buyng assets, however is still possible a Free-to-Play mode, where new users have the chance to test the game and to try some features for free.

Project Features


The gameplay have been designed to allow players the freedom to build their own race team the way they want. Each player can build the racing team with the assets owned. The players can win different type of prizes, as NFTs with different rarity level or purchase them in the in-game store. This way players can increase the overall strength of the team at their disposal. The game can attract a large number of players with different gameplay goals and playing preferences.

Community and players: the main part of the project

This projecy born to be community-based and players-driven . This is the main part: the one that can bring this project to life. The mechanic and the gamplay is truly focused to get to each player the chance to win, to have fun and, of course, to earn playing. And the whole community of users have its own part in building the game world, and to populate it.

Ownership of resources

Thanks to blockchain technology, all game resources and NFTs such as cars, car-pieces, drivers,  land-circuits and land-arenas belong to the players. This gives them the right to sell them on secondary markets as well as to use them in various third party decentralized applications. Differently from other games where the resources cannot live outside the game’s ecosystem.


Players will be able to earn prizes and tokens playing in several modes: battles in arena, car races, story mode, challenges, buying and selling assets, building circuits and arenas and to share them with the community. The online battles can catch also the interest among non crypto communities. The Free-t-Play version of the game shows the benefits of the blockchain providing an insight and an opportunity to get rewarded for the time and the effort spent playing the game.

Economy beyond the game

Thanks to the $CRASH tokens, we are creating an extensive economy that will not only attract players, but also people who are interested in trading, and collecting resources. Thanks to the blockchian technology, we want to build a strong game community that will support the economic stability of the entire system. Each participant will be able to increase their holdings in various ways, and to improve their financial position. The aim is to build and grant a strong and stable financial ecosystem around the game, where everyone can get benefits and prizes.

WildCrash Dev. Team

We are a team of veterans and experienced professionals from videogames and entertainment industry (such as Vfx and cartoons, videogames, etc.), among of blockchain and cryptocurrency specialists.  While to build videogames is our job, we are extremely exited to become part of the crypto world community.

You can easily find clear information about us taking a look here. Don’t hesitate to contact us and ask abotu us or the game. We are here to develop.


The core of the project is decentralization and the blockchain. These technologies give us the chance to build the game we want.
Most of our job is based on research and development, and for this reason we always look at new technologies, including in particular decentralization. 
Decentralization allowì the users to be the owners of their game resources and assets, including the ability to store and resell them at their own discretion. 
While originally we took in consideration the idea to build the game on  Ethereum blockchain, we are now moving on Polygon Network which is a fully functional copy of Ethereum, but with higher bandwidth and lower transaction fees. This makes it possible to develop demanding, high performance games.
Since Polygon is a functional copy of Ethereum, this allows us to implement almost all of the required features for the game’s economy within a single network.

  • The development and release of the ERC-20 $CRASH tokens.
  • The release of  game resources in the form of NFTs as well as the ability to freely circulate them on third-party sites and exchange them between users.
  • Development and deployment of contracts for the gaming platformand the entire ecosystem.

Polygon is the main blockchain we are using for the project, while on Ethereum we are going to release other resources such as NFTs and collectibles to let the users free to sell their tokens through the extremely popular high-volume platforms,such as Opensea, Rarible, and others.RA

Using $CRASH and game resources

About $CRASH token, our goal is to create a sensible balance between supply and demand as well as to optimize the incentives for all the users.  For this main reason:

  • The game will be available for free with all features and functions unlocked, and the player will receive a base car and a base driver: however these base assets allow the user to take confidence with the game, but purchasing NFTs assets and  customize the car is required in order to be able to earn tokens in the game.
  • A percentage of each purchase will go to the prize pool.
  • The “Play-to-Earn” system, which active players can use to receive a reward in the form of liquid $CRASH tokens for winning tournaments.
  • Players can obtain a new asset or driver of a rare level, exchanging them with other assets. The $CRASH tokens will be used to pay for this process.
  • The tournament leveling system. This is a strategy to keep a good level of balance between tournament’s partecipants. Some tournmanet is accessible only if the user’s team is enough competitive at that level .
  • The in-game store where you can make purchases. In this case, all purchased resources, belongs directly to the users, which they have the right to resell using the means available to them. 
  • The decentralized autonomous organization provides a voting system as well as a way for making management decisions

Additional features will be developed which will expand the use-case of the tokens and of the internal game resources in the project.

$CRASH tokens

$CRASH token is the currency of WildCrash. The $CRASH token is also the project’s ecosystem token, used to maintain the economic stability of the system.
Tokens are suitable for trading on exchanges and are owned by the users of the project. Neither we, as the developers of the game, nor anyone else will be able to take tokens away from the users without their knowledge and consent. This is a key feature of the blockchain technology we will implement into our game and economy. By spending time playing the game, players will be able to gain a valuable and scarce currency, whose value will grow over time by the attraction of more and more users to the game.
In addition, users who do not want to directly participate in gaming tournaments, but who want to be part of the project, may also receive rewards in $CRASH. 

Summary of the $CRASH tokens supply

The total maximum fixed supply of the $CRASH tokens is 1,000,000,000 units. Below is a summary of the proposed distribution:

  • 20% – Market Pool
  • 20% – Prize Pool 
  • 25% – Presale 
  • 15% – Burn
  •   7% – INO 
  •   1% – Team 
  •   6% – P&A
  •   6% – Liquidity